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发布日期:2015-10-16 浏览次数:











  [1] 纳米载药靶向抗草鱼呼肠孤病毒研究,casino38365365“青年英才”项目(Z111021510),2015.9-2020.9,50万元。

  [2] 碳纳米管载药系统靶向抗草鱼呼肠孤病毒研究,中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助(2015M580888),2015.9-2017.7,8万元。

  [3] 靶向甘露糖受体的草鱼出血病碳纳米管载体疫苗系统基础研究,陕西省自然科学基础研究计划-青年人才项目(2016JQ3016),2016.1-2017.12,3万元。

  [4] 碳纳米管载药系统靶向抗病毒和靶向免疫作用机制研究,中国博士后科学基金特别资助,2016.3-2017.12,15万元。


  [1] Zhu Bin, Liu Guang-Lu, Ling Fei, Song Lin-Sheng, Wang Gao-Xue*. Development toxicity of functionalized carbon nanotubes on rare minnow embryos and larvae. Nanotoxicology. 2015. 9(5):579-590. (SCI, IF="6.411," 中科院医学一区)

  [2] Zhu Bin, Liu Guang-Lu, Ling Fei, Wang Gao-Xue*. Carbon nanotube-based nanocarrier loaded with ribavirin against grass carp reovirus. Antiviral Research. 2015, 118:29-38. (SCI, IF="3.938," 中科院医学二区)

  [3] Yu Xiao-Bo, Chen Xiao-Hui, Ling Fei, Hao Kai, Wang Gao-Xue*, Zhu Bin*. Moroxydine hydrochloride inhibits grass carp reovirus replication and suppresses apoptosis in Ctenopharyngodon idella  kidney cells. 2016. doi:10.1016/j.antiviral.2016.05.008 (SCI, IF="3.938," 中科院医学二区)

  [4] Wang Yuan, Liu Guang-Lu, Li Dong-Liang, Ling Fei, Zhu Bin*, Wang Gao-Xue*. The protective immunity against grass carp reovirus in grass carp induced by a DNA vaccination using single-walled carbon nanotubes as delivery vehicles. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2015, 47:732-742. (SCI, IF="2.674," 中科院农林一区)

  [5] Zhu Bin, Liu Guang-Lu, Gong Yu-Xin, Ling Fei, Wang Gao-Xue*. Protective immunity of grass carp immunized with DNA vaccine encoding the vp7  gene of grass carp reovirus using carbon nanotubes as a carrier molecule. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2015, 42(2):325-334. (SCI, IF="2.674," 中科院农林一区)

  [6] Zhu Bin, Liu Guang-Lu, Gong Yu-Xin, Ling Fei, Song Lin-Sheng, Wang Gao-Xue*. Single-walled carbon nanotubes as candidate recombinant subunit vaccine carrier for immunization of grass carp against grass carp reovirus. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2014, 41(2):279-293. (SCI, IF="2.674," 中科院农林一区)

  [7] Zhu Bin, Liu Guang-Lu, Liu Lei, Ling Fei, Wang Gao-Xue*. Assessment of trifloxystrobin uptake kinetics, developmental toxicity and mRNA expression in rare minnow embryos. Chemosphere. 2015, 120:447-455. (SCI, IF="3.340)

  [8] Zhu Bin, Gong Yu-Xin, Liu Lei, Li Dong-Liang, Wang Yuan, Ling Fei, Wang Gao-Xue*. Toxic effects of triazophos on rare minnow ( Gobiocypris rarus ) embryos and larvae. Chemosphere. 2014, 108:46-54. (SCI, IF="3.340)

  [9] Zhu Bin, Liu Lei, Gong Yu-Xin, Ling Fei, Wang Gao-Xue*. Triazole-induced toxicity in developing rare minnow ( Gobiocypris rarus ) embryos. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014, 21(23): 13625-13635. (SCI, IF="2.828)

  [10] Zhu Bin, Liu Lei, Li Dong-Liang, Ling Fei, Wang Gao-Xue*. Developmental toxicity in rare minnow ( Gobiocypris rarus ) embryos exposed to Cu, Zn and Cd. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2014, 104:269-277. (SCI, IF="2.762)

  [11] Zhu Bin, Liu Tian-Qiang, Hu Xue-Gang, Wang Gao-Xue*. Developmental toxicity of 3,4-dichloroaniline on rare minnow ( Gobiocypris rarus ) embryos and larvae. Chemosphere. 2013, 90(3):1132-1139. (SCI, IF="3.340)

  [12] Zhu Bin, Wu Zong-Fan, Li Jun, Wang Gao-Xue*. Single and joint action toxicity of heavy metals on early developmental stages of Chinese rare minnow ( Gobiocypris rarus ). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2011, 74(8):2193-2202. (SCI, IF="2.762)

  [13] Gong Yu-Xin, Zhu Bin, Liu Guang-Lu, Liu Lei, Ling Fei, Wang Gao-Xue*, Xu Xin-Gang*. Single-walled carbon nanotubes as delivery vehicles enhance the immunoprotective effects of a recombinant vaccine against Aeromonas hydrophila . Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2015, 42(1): 213-220.

  [14] Liu Lei, Zhu Bin, Wang Gao-Xue*. Azoxystrobin-induced excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and inhibition of photosynthesis in the unicellular green algae Chlorella vulgaris . Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2015, 22(10):7766-7775.

  [15] Liu Lei, Zhu Bin, Gong Yu-Xin, Liu Guang-Lu, Wang Gao-Xue*. Neurotoxic effect of triazophos on goldfish ( Carassius auratus ) and tissue specific antioxidant responses. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2015, 116:68-75.

  [16] Liu Lei, Gong Yu-Xin, Zhu Bin, Liu Guang-Lu, Wang Gao-Xue*, Ling Fei. Effect of a new recombinant Aeromonas hydrophila  vaccine on the grass carp intestinal microbiota and correlations with immunological responses. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2015, 45(1):175-183.

  [17] Yu Xiao-Bo, Liu Guang-Lu, Zhu Bin, Hao Kai, Ling Fei, Wang Gao-Xue*. In vitro  immunocompetence of two compounds isolated from Polygala tenuifolia and development of resistance against Grass carp reovirus (GCRV) and Dactylogyrus intermedius  in respective host. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2014, 41(2):541-548.

  [18] Shen Yu-Feng, Liu Lei, Gong Yu-Xin, Zhu Bin, Liu Guang-Lu, Wang Gao-Xue*. Potential toxic effect of trifloxystrobin on cellular microstructure, mRNA expression and antioxidant enzymes in Chlorella vulgaris . Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2014, 37(3):1040-1047.

  [19] Wu Zong-Fan, Zhu Bin, Wang Yong, Lu Cheng, Wang Gao-Xue*.  In vivo  evaluation of anthelmintic potential of medicinal plant extracts against Dactylogyrus intermedius  (Monogenea) in goldfish ( Carassius auratus ). Parasitology Research. 2011, 108(6):1557-1563.

  [20] Wang Gao-Xue*, Han Jing, Feng Ting-Ting, Li Fu-Yuan, Zhu Bin. Bioassay-guided isolation and identification of active compounds from Fructus Arctii against Dactylogyrus intermedius  (Monogenea) in goldfish ( Carassius auratus ). Parasitology Research. 2009, 106(1):247-255.

  [21] Liu Guang-Lu, Wang Yuan, Hu Yang, Yu Xiao-Bo, Zhu Bin, Wang Gao-Xue*. Functionalized multi-wall carbon nanotubes enhance transfection and expression efficiency of plasmid DNA in fish cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2016, 17(3):335.


  [1] 王高学, 朱斌, 刘广路, 凌飞. 碳纳米管载体免注射疫苗、制备方法及其在制备水产免疫苗种中的应用, 2016.01, 中国, 授权号ZL. 201310482649.7.

  [2] 王高学, 刘广路, 朱斌, 凌飞. 碳纳米管载抗病毒药物复合物、制备方法及其在水产养殖无病毒携带苗生产中的应用, 2016.01, 中国, 授权号ZL. 201310482759.3.


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