Zan Linsen

Zan Linsen, professor

Collegeof AnimalScience and Technology

NorthwestA & F University

No.22 Xinong Road, Yangling, Shaanxi, P. R. China 712100


Fax: +86-29-87091148



B.S. Northwest agriculture University, Animal science, 1982-1986

M.S. Northwest agriculture University, Animal Breeding and genetics, 1988-1992

Ph.D.Northwest agriculture University, Animal Breeding and genetics, 1993-1997

Learning part-time job:

Director of the National Beef Cattle Improvement Center in China.

Vice Chairman of the Breeding Association of Yellow Cattle in China.

Vice Chairman of the Beef Economic Professional Committee in China.

Chairman of the Comprehensive Utilization of Straw Resource Branch of Chinese Association of Agricultural Science.

Vice Chairman of Branch of Cattle Agriculture of China animal agriculture association.

Standing director of Chinese Dairy industry association.

Director of the editor Committee for《Chinese Cattle Science》.


Research Interests:

1. Genetically improving and germplasm enhancement for beef and dairy cattle.

2. High efficiency breeding and its industrialization engineering of beef and dairy cattle.

3. Regulation and control of Animal growth and development and its biotechnology breeding.



1. Cattle production science (under graduate course).

2. Regulation and control on animal growth and development (master course).

3. Zoology research development (master course).

4. Animal genetic reproduction special subject (doctor course).

5. Morden animal biotechnology research special subject(doctor course).


Research program:

1. Professional special program of ministry of agriculture “The technologh of weatern high quality beef industrialization and its mechanism research”.

2. Technology spanning plan of ministry of agriculture “Fast and high efficiecy breeding technology integration and industrialized demonstration of high quality and high production dairy cattle”.

3. 948 special program of ministry of agriculture “key technology introduction of beef cattle industrial chain and production system construction of chinese high quality beef”.

4. National technology support plan “New breed selection and rearing of high quality specialized beef cattle-New breed selection and rearing of Qinchuan beef cattle”.

5. National technology support plan “Ecological dairy production technology and dairy gender control technology research and development in northwest agriculture region.    

6. National 863 planning “Functional gene identification of meat quality trait in Qinchuan cattle”.

7. National 863 planning “Advantage trait molecular breeding of Qinchuan beef cattle and new breed selection and propagation”.

8. National transgenetic important special program “New breed cultivation of high production transgenetic beef cattle”.

9. National nature scientific fund “The effection of CNT on growth and meat quality of Qinchuan calf and its control mechanism.

10. Changjiang scholar and innovation team development plan of ministry of education “Team construction of genetic improvement and germplasm innovation of beef and dairy cattle”.

11. Special program of National morden agriculture industry system construction “Technology system construction of Morden beef cattle industry”.



1. First prize of Shanxi science and technology prize: Technology system research of high quality and efficiency industrialization on Qinchuan Cattle, 2004, the first.

2. First prize of Shanxi science and technology prize:Integration and demonstration of dairy modernization key technology research, 2006, the first.

3. Second prize of National Husbandry and Fishery harvest prize: Industrialized technology demonstration of high quality and efficient Qinchuan cattle, 2006, the first.

4. Second prize of Shanxi science and technology prize: Breed selecion and high efficency culture technology research of pasture and crop, 2007, the second.

5. Second prize of Zhonghua agricultural technology prize: Qinchuan cattle standardization rearing and the construction of beef quality trace system, 2007, the first.

6. Third prize of Zhonghua agricultural technology prize: Molecular genetic diversity, origin differentiation and protective exploitation of Chinese cattle genetic resource, 2009, the tenth.


The leading applied “ Genetic and germplasm innovation workshop of meat and dairy cattle ” have financed by  “Changjiang scholar and innovation team development plan of ministry of education” in 2009, We mainly depend on the following platforms to carry out our research work: National beef cattle improvement center, Shaanxi morden beef agriculture engineering research center, Shaanxi beef cattle engineering technology research center, Shaanxi dairy industy engineering technology research center and shaanxi livestock production engineering technology research center.


    The total publication number on important academic journals in home and abroad is more than 200, from which 15 articles are accepted by SCI and EI.

1. Zhang J.L., Zan L.S., Tian W.Q. Genetic Variation of PRLR Gene and Association With Milk Production Traits in Dairy Cattle. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 2008 (1).

2. Zan L.S., Hu J.H., Li Q.W., Wang L.Q., Jia Y.H., Zhu D.N.. The cryoprotective effect of ascorbic acid supplementation on bovine semen quality. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2008 (3).

3. Hu J.H., Zan L.S., Zhao X.L., Jia Y.H., Zhu D.N.. Effects of seasonal changes on semen quality in Qin-chuan cattle. Reprodution in Domestic Animals, 2008 (3).

4. Wang Y.H., Xu M., Wang F.N., Yu Z.P., Yao J.H., Zan L.S., Yang F.X.. Effect of dietary starch on rumen and small intestine morphology and digesta pH in goats. Livestock Science, 2008 (7).

5. Zhang G.X., Wang Z.G., Chen W.S., Wu C.X., Han X., Chang H., Zan L.S., Li R.L., Wang J.H., Song W.T., Xu G.F., Yang H.J., Luo Y.F.. Genetic diversity and population structure of indigenous yellow cattle breeds of China using 30 microsatellite markers. Animal Genetics, 2007 (6).

6. Yu X.L., Zan L.S. et al.. Closed pulled straw vitri?cation of in vitro—produced and in vivo—produced bovine embryos. Theriogenology, 2009 (13).

7. Liu Y.F., Zan L.S. et al..A novel polymorphism of GDF5 gene and its association with body measurement traits in Bos taurus and Bos indicus breeds. Molecular Biology Reports, 2010 (1).

8. Sun Y.G., Zan L.S. et al.. Insulin Inhibits the Expression of Adiponectin and AdipoR2 mRNA in Cultured Bovine Adipocytes. Asian- Australian Journal of Animal Science, 2009 (10).

9. Yang D.P., Zan L.S. et al.. Genetic variation of calsarcin-1 gene and association with carcass traits in 3 Chinese indigenous cattle. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009 (12).

10. Liu H.Y., Tian W.Q., Zan L.S. et al.. Association of MC4R gene variants with carcass and meat quality traits in Qinchuan cattle. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009 (15).

11. Liu Y.F., Zan L.S. et al..Exogenous cycilc AMP and cycilc GMP influence the metabolism of traces of tritium-labeled glycerol in rabbits. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2009 (17).

12. Zhong Xin, Zan linsen, et al.. Polymorphic CA microsatellites in the third exon of the bovine BMP4 gene. Genetics and Molecular Research, 2010 (9).

13. Li Linqiang, Zan Linsen, Zhang Baoxun. Influence of ultrasound-assisted calcium chloride marination treatment on beef tenderness. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2009(6).

14. Shen Guanglei, Zan Linsen, et al.. Implementation of beef quality and safety traceability system via internet. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2007 (7).